Günter Richard Wett

The exhibition at aut. Innsbruck featured around 60 works by Sauerbruch Hutton. In keeping with the robust character of the former brewery the models were presented on their transport crates. Due to the atmospheric density of the models in different scales and different materialities, the arrangement had the character of an expansive installation that allowed different perspectives on the architectural work and could be associated with urban landscapes.

The aut. lounge, whose large windows were painted with solar-shading paint, invited visitors to linger. During the day, this softened the sun's rays; at night, the luminous glazing made the exhibition present in the urban space.

Further information, drawings, photos and films about the projects can be accessed via an app that was specially developed for the exhibition. After the end of the exhibition the app for i-phone and i-pad can still be downloaded from the app store using the qr-code below.

Sauerbruch Hutton
Sauerbruch Hutton
Günter Richard Wett
Sauerbruch Hutton
Sauerbruch Hutton


  • Exhibition with architectural models and companion app

in cooperation with

  • M9 - Museo del ’900, Venedig-Mestre
    Berlinische Galerie, Berlin
    Pinakothek der Moderne, München

    mit freundlicher Unterstützung von
    reiter design gmbh


  • 2023

project team